base 77



_Interactive Solutions
(e-Learning, Training, Testing)


#Integrated Solutions
(Web & Application Development)


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GMAT, GRE, MCAT, SAT, PSAT, ACT and TOEFL Test Preparation Software for Kaplan Inc.

About the Client

Kaplan Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of The Washington Post Company, is one of the premier providers of K-12 and professional education and career services, both within the United States and internationally. Kaplan has helped transform the education industry by setting professional standards in an era of educational innovation, global expansion and, technological advancement.

Online Practice test for GMAT, GRE, MCAT, DAT and OAT

base77 developed the on-line practice tests including the GMAT, GRE, MCAT, DAT, and OAT.

Project Description

End-to-end application and Web interface development, including:

  • Login and Registration process
  • Session saving functionality exist ( in case of window closed, power faliure and system re-boot etc.)
  • Quantitative Section: the GMAT quantitative section
  • Mid Break: A break section of 8 minutes between quantitative and verbal sections
  • Verbal Section: the GMAT Verbal Section
  • Result Page: provides the results on a page, in PDF format and an e-mail facility

Similarly, for the following:

  • GRE practice test (live events): can handle upto 1000 users simultaneously
  • MCAT practice test (live events): can handle upto 500 users simultaneously
  • DAT practice test (live events): can handle upto 500 users simultaneously
  • OAT practice test (live events): can handle upto 500 users simultaneously
Development Environment
  • JSP, java 1.6, jQuery, Ajax
  • MySQL 5.0
  • Apache Tomcat 6.0, Eclipse 3.6
  • Adobe® Photoshop® CS

Multi-filter College Search Application:
This is a search application that allows potential applicants to search for colleges based on critieria such as their academic background, financial status and many other preferences.
  • implemented multiple filters and criteria
  • search parmameter based on type of college, SAT scores, tuition and costs, financial aid, location, and much more
  • testing of all filters extensively
  • the application is hosted and maintained by base77
  • daily tracking and resolution of any issues

Similarly, search engines of varying functionality for other sites were developed:

  • Medical School Search
  • Law School Search
  • Business School Search


Over the past 3 years, base77 has developed over 10 educational CD-ROM products for Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions including the SAT, PSAT, ACT, TOEFL and MCAT. These Test Preparation CD-ROMs are multimedia-based interactive education products that work across the Windows and MAC platforms. These CDs comprise of diagnostic tests, customizable lesson plans, flip cards (or flash cards), educational games, sample tests, comprehensive test score reporting and analysis, and other relevant information about the tests.

Development Environment

Macromedia® Director® MX, Adobe® Photoshop® 5.5, Valentina for Macromedia® Director® 1.0, PrintoMatic Xtra 1.6, RealBasic® 3.5, Microsoft Visual Basic® 6.0

Read what Kaplan has to say about this project

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